Lindfield Learning Village

Collaborate - Thrive - Inspire

Telephone02 9415 8006

About our school

Lindfield Learning Village

“This place is really accepting and it’s an amazing learning environment” – Sarah, Year 7

About our school

School Values

The village is based on empathy and trust. We treat every member of our community with respect and tread lightly in our environment. We will treat each other with care and kindness. The villagers are generous, brave, and tenacious. The village is transformative for all members of the community. We are inherently collaborative.

School Vision

At Lindfield Learning Village every member of our community is embraced, valued, and known. We enable the voice of each member of the community and nurture imagination and creativity. We are not limited by boundaries, we will break stereotypes, forging new educational pathways to inspire and equip our community members to be a positive change in our world.

Educational Model

A flexible school environment conducive to individualised learning is an integral part of our new educational model. Replacing the traditional classroom, LLV’s open-plan design features a series of flexible, open learning spaces. Our students can move around and furniture can be arranged in different ways to enable students to work together in smaller and larger groups as needed. Our school draws on concepts from Futurist David Thornburg who identifies three archetypal learning spaces – the campfire, cave, and watering hole – that schools can use as physical spaces and virtual spaces for student learning. Our approach is designed to create independent, resilient learners who possess the learning dispositions required for success in their life within and beyond school.

Our learning is built upon and covers the outcomes from the NSW Curriculum. You can find this on the NESA website.

Code of Collaboration

  • We will be open to offers made by others.
  • We will listen actively and challenge each other’s ideas to help them grow.
  • We will hold lightly and evaluate ideas on their merits.
  • We will notice what is not being said and enable all voices.
About our school

'All Through School'

An “all through” school encourages daily connections between older and younger learners. Older students can be mentors to younger students and younger students see the learning they can look forward to.

Community, University and Business Links

The proximity of the Lindfield school to a wide range of high-profile businesses such as Microsoft, CSIRO and Macquarie Hospital creates the possibility for students to engage in career-driven and future-focused learning. We also offer opportunities for students and community to learn from each other through mentoring programs.