Lindfield Learning Village

Collaborate - Thrive - Inspire

Telephone02 9415 8006

School map

Campus Levels

Room Name Grid Reference
Arthaus J10
Dada I10
Dark Room J10
Galleria I10
Studio 2070 B7
Sweet Pea C8

Room Name Grid Reference
The Cove K10
Delta F9
Designz E8
Digital Factory E8
K-2 Hub G9
Machinarium F6
The Outlook C8
Paddock I10
The Park J9
Polaroid E8
Pond J9
The Pool G9
The Refuge D8
The Shack I11
The Toolshed I9
The Village Store G7
Wattle C7
The Wheel D7
Workshop E7

Room Name Grid Reference
Alchemy E7
Banksia C7
Biotarium D7
The Canopy C8
Cerebellum E8
Clocktower G9
Cobblestone J9
Dragonstone F9
Glasshouse F10
The Hollow J8
Ideate I7
Iterate I8
The Lake J8
Lighthouse I9
Museum J8
Science Prep E7
Squash Courts E2
Tectonica D8
Wingara I11

Room Name Grid Reference
Abbey Road F6
Atomic/Fuze E7
Castlerock F9
Factory I8
Forge I8
Greenroom H6
Ground Control/First Aid H8
The Grove C7
Gym D2
Interchange F8
Inventium E8
Labyrinth J6
Matrix J9
Menagerie J9
Motown F6
Musaeum C8
Mythvale J8
Pandemonium I6
Practice Rooms G6
Realm D8
Scriptorium F8
The Shire G9
Student Services H7
Substation H8
Thirdspace G7
Vortex D7

Room Name Grid Reference
Alley J11
Basement L6
Bitter Pea K7
Business Manager J5
Charles Bean Oval H1
Counsellor J5
Crossroads I10
Engine Room K6
Facilities Manager J5
Fernery/Dance Studio H2
Fusion L8
The Galley H8
Globe G10
Greenhalgh Theatre I7
Harajuku I8
Interview Room D5
IT Hub J5
Junction I11
The Keep H10
Ku-ring-gai H10
The Lyric G9
Metro J10
Mission Control L6
Print Room J5
Public Reception K5
Pump Room H1
Roasted I9
Stockpot J9
Subway K11
Tube J11
Underground J10
Utopia G9

Room Name Grid Reference
The Belltower L7
The Collective I5
The Hatchery J5
The Hive K6
The Huddle J5
The Loft L7
Olympus H2
Tranquilidrome H3
Treehouse L7