Please refer to this guide for finding your way around LLV's IT systems. Here you can information on Sentral, Canvas, Octopus, student laptop loans, our Bring Your Own Device Program and more.
If you are having trouble finding information on IT systems, please email the IT Team at
The following information is also available here as a pdf download.
LLV Parent Carer IT Guide (PDF 344.81 KB)

Bring Your Own Device
Our BYOD program requires students from Stage 2 and up to use their own Windows or Mac laptop.
Mobile phones/smartphones and iPads are not supported in the program.
Chromebooks can be used but do not have many of the features and programs available to NSW DoE students.
Device requirements are:
- Minimum 11.6-inch display
- Windows or MacOS operating system (Windows is free for all NSW DoE students)
- Wifi connection via 802.11n Wifi standard on the dual band both 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz frequency
- Advertised battery life of six hours or more.
- 4GB minimum Ram
- Solid state disk memory storage of 128GB or more
- 2kg max weight
- Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser installed.
It’s also useful to consider having the following:
- Suitable protective case and/cover
- USB 2.0 and/or 3.0 ports
- Accidental loss and breakage insurance and/or warranty
If you are not familiar with these specifications, it’s a good idea to show these requirements to any store that carries a range of computers. Keep in mind that your student has free access to Microsoft Windows and Office.
Students are responsible for having their devices charged and ready to use for the day.
IT support is available for all students during school hours for troubleshooting problems with their devices.
Software is available to students for free via the NSW DoE Student Portal. This includes:
- Windows operating system
- Microsoft Office 365
- Minecraft Education Edition
- Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Programs Suite (Secondary only)
- Google Suite
- Canva
Parent Access
Sentral Parent Mobile Ap Information
Sentral is used for student timetabling, rolls and communications.
You can access Sentral via the Sentral Parent mobile app or through an Internet browser on a computer or mobile device.
School Bytes
Apple App
Android App
School Bytes manages forms, activities, school payments and communications.
You can access the School Bytes parent portal through the link above or through the app.
Apple Parent App
Android Parent App
LLV Canvas Parent User Guide (PDF 5.7 mb)
Parents and carers of students in Stages 2 to 6 can see the classwork and activities set by their educators in Canvas through their parent observer account.
To log in for the first time, go to the above link and set up a password using ‘Forgot Password’.
Your login will be your personal email address submitted in your student’s enrolment.
LLV tracks learning outcomes through live and continuous reporting. We use Octopus to display student progress in Stages 2 and up.
To access Octopus, go to Canvas and then any course that your child is studying. On the left-hand menu, you will see Octopus. This will take you straight to Octopus, no additional login is necessary.
Apple App
Android App
Students in Kindy and Stage 1 submit most of their work via Seesaw.
You can view your child’s work and learning outcomes via Seesaw. You can also view and comment on newsfeed style updates for your child’s class.
A QR code is sent to parents and carers from their child’s learning guide for access. This happens several weeks into the first term, or after your child has attended class if starting during the year.
Student Access
Students participate in learning at LLV using multiple programs and platforms.
Most program logins require the use of the student’s DoE login and password. The password can be set up and updated by an educator or IT Support.
The DoE login will be the student’s firstname.lastname#, for example: taylor.swift865
Students will be guided through accessing these programs by their learning guide and IT Support.
Timetables and general information are found in Sentral.
Accessed with DoE login and password.
Kindy and Stage 1 students use Seesaw to submit their work and receive learning outcomes.
Students are each assigned a class iPad by their learning guide to access Seesaw.
Student work in Stages 2 and up is organised, viewed, submitted and marked on Canvas.
DoE login Password
Google Classroom and Workspace
Stages 2 and up use tools from the Google Workspace for Education.
Students access this via their free Google DoE account set up when enrolling with the NSW Department of Education.
Access by logging into Chrome or Google using:
DoE login Password.
Students can log on to the DoE Wifi network anywhere in the school using their DoE login and password.
Internet @The Edge
This authenticates the use of a private device on the school network.
Student DoE login and password are used.
Student devices must log into this every day, so it’s good idea to bookmark it.
Getting Started - What to Expect in Your First Weeks
Third Party Programs Consent Form
You will receive an email with a form to fill out requesting parental consent for programs used at LLV. This form is completed every year as a requirement of the NSW Department of Education.
Parental consent is required for your child to use Canvas and Seesaw, our main learning platforms, among other programs. Please complete this form ASAP for your child to access these programs.
Kindy and Stage 1
Enrolments Starting at and after Beginning of the Year
Kindy and Stage 1 students are assigned an iPad at school. This is coordinated by their educators.
Once the students are connected and signed up to Seesaw, you will receive an email with instructions on how to connect to see your child’s work and progress.
Stage 2 and Up
Start of the Year Enrolments
Students from Stage 2 and up bring their own device under LLV's BYOD Program. Please refer to the section Bring Your Own Device on this page for device requirements and further information.
Students are enrolled and set up in Canvas within the first 1 to 3 weeks of school, depending on your learning guide’s plan. This is staggered to avoid overwhelming students with technology so they can focus on getting acquainted with new spaces and people.
Extra care is taken with students starting Stage 2 and Stage 4. Classes will be led by educators and the IT Support Team teaching students how to access and use Canvas, Sentral, Wifi, Google and any other programs used.
Once students are set up, parents and carers can view classwork on Canvas, learning outcomes on Octopus and general school information on Sentral.
Stage 2 and Up
Enrolments Joining After Start of the Year
In their first week of school, new students are set up across the various platforms and programs used at LLV.
Access to most programs will not be completed until a day or more after a student’s first day of school. This is due to the NSW Department of Education’s (DoE) enrolment and integrated systems processes. This process may take more time if the student is moving from a non-government school.
Parents and carers are emailed by the IT Support Team once access is ready.
An educator or member of the IT Support Team will ensure that the student is connected to the DoE Wifi network on their personal BYOD device, as well as making sure they have access to Canvas, Sentral, Google and any other programs needed for their classes.
Support and Services
IT Support
IT support is available at the IT Hub on Level 5. Our office is found down the hall, to the right of the main Public Reception entrance.
We are available to see students at any time during school hours for support. Please encourage your child to ask their educators to see us if they encounter any problems with programs or devices during class time. Students are also free to visit us during break times.
For any other issues, parents and carers can contact IT Support at or on 02 9415 8006.
School Laptop Loans
Laptops are available for day loans from Public Reception, located on Level 5 next to the school’s main entrance.
Long term laptop loans are also available for circumstances where students may not have access to a laptop for an extended period of time. Speak to your child’s Learning Guide if you would like to organise this.
If a student wants to take a laptop home overnight, they are required to let Public Reception know. The laptop must be returned the following morning, even if they are re-borrowing for that day.
General Info and Contact
02 9415 8006
Social Media
Sentral Login
Sentral for Parents Mobile App
An individual access link and QR code is sent to parents and carers from their child’s learning guide.
NSW Department of Education – Student Portal
Student Portal is found under Login at top of the page.